Friday, May 13, 2016

Painting into the unknown

The first model is the hardest and sets the tone for how the rest of the army will be painted.  Hello there and this is Ian from team Bad Decisions.  I dislike painting, I love the end results but I dislike it.  Especially when I have no idea how to paint it or what colors to work with.  Painting tutorials are incredible for helping with base models but what do you do when there is a crazy model engineer on your team or living in your head?  You silently kill that model engineer, but since life in prison and suicide are horrible options we take what we learned and modify them.

So let us start with painting deamon skin. There is already an amazing tutorial out there on how to paint Khorne models using the video "How to Paint Bloodthirster".  No, really watch it!  I tried using the bloodletter glaze but I did not find it made much of a difference in the model so I dropped that step from the video.  So instead I added an extra highlight of fire dragon bright to help make the model pop more.  When I became too lazy to highlight that turned into a light dry brush of fire dragon bright which worked out just as well around the muscles.

So now we understand how to paint daemon skin how do we red World Eaters armor without it blending in with the skin?  I chose something simple Mephiston Red, Agrax Earthshade, Mephiston red.  Leave those edges dark it defines the armor much more.  In the pictures below you can see my how the Mephiston Red looks totally different from the skin.  Now imagine me yelling and screaming "HOW DO I PAINT THIS MARCUS" as I stare into the unpainted empty eye holes of a zombie dragon head.
Hmm how does one paint a zombie dragon head?

So bone/skull color?  Anger boiling inside as uncertainty creeps to the forefront of my mind.

So I painted to head bone.  I left the cloth around the head black and dry brushed it gray.  I then super watered down black to make an ink to go over the cloth to dull the gray.

Dry brushing is your friend.

So how does it look with convention lighting??

Now that guy is terrifying.  What could I have done to make it better?  I could have made a lighter red on the armor to add additional depth.  I would have had to mix a white with maybe an orange because the last thing I would have wanted was to make a pink color.  

Well that is painting into the unknown.  I hope you enjoyed the pictures of painting through a Bad Decisions helldrake.

Stay tuned there are plenty more Bad Decisions works ahead.  

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