Monday, June 20, 2016

Eldar Turned Dark Eldar Turned Awesome

Welcome back fellow bad decision makers.  I am back from vacation and decided to do a little throwback to Adepticon 2015.

We knew Eldar would be everywhere and we knew that we did not want to play an army that was going to kick too much butt.  So how could we tone down Eldar and still play them?  By making half our team Dark Eldar!  Win Win!

Friends have asked to share pictures of some of our past armies.  Before I get to the pictures I am going to let you in on a secret about team Bad Decisions, we destroy all evidence of armies that have won games.  Below are the last known good pictures I have of them, all evidence has been destroyed. This Eldar army has been dismantled or crushed, the only thing more beautiful than an incredible looking Eldar army is watching that same army be burned, crushed, and destroyed down to atoms.

All models were painted and converted by Marcus Baxley AKA Headkeepa AKA Bitsmash


Above: Warp Spider

Eww more Grotesques  

Wave Serpent
Vect turned ravenger

Thanks again for reading and keep making those Bad Decisions!


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