Monday, June 27, 2016

Pondering Rules in 40K

Welcome, again fellow Bad Decision makers!

I have been pondering what is the meaning of 40k life.  Specifically my interest in 40k games in general.  I got to play a game last week and like a baby with an ugly face, I was beaten pretty bad.  I thought about my tactics and yes I probably played like a hummingbird with ADHD but I felt totally uncomfortable about the game in general.  Lord of War choices, mass psychic powers, and death stars have decreased my interest in playing; in reality, I actually dread playing with my former gaming partners.  No reason other than I don't want to play against a bunch of rules I don't know about and a bunch of formations I have no idea how they work.  I think I spent four hours trying to figure out what models I had for what formation then settled on not using any formations.

Everyone can agree there are codex's that need to be reworked so I am not going to focus on that.  I want to emphasize that each edition had a particular list or three that ruled 40k like in 3rd it was rhino rushes, in 4th falcon and serpent spam or fish of fury, in 5th it was the imp guard parking lot, in 6th it was all about the flying circus, and in 7th superfriends death star is all the rage.  Each of these power-house army lists normally lasts till the next edition or more frequently their next codex.  Each time GW normally does not resolve these crazy lists until the new edition changes the rules. I believe we would be overall better off addressing these issues inside the core rule book.

Here is my top 3 list of changes to 40k to resolve my anxiety of 40k here in 7th.

1) I would like to remove neutral warlord traits and neutral psychic powers.  Ideally, each army would have balanced  psychic powers.  Don't get me wrong I like the neutral powers a lot but there are too many wombo combo powers that turn great units into insane units.  It may be easier to remove invisibility or tweak it but I really miss 40k when it was a simpler time where broken psychic powers were only found in a single codex.
Wanting simplicity and complexity that is heresy.
2) Superheavy, gargantuan creatures, and formations belong in Apoc or points costs of 2000 points or higher.  Imperial knights are generally ok but when you start to combo them in formations they can get pretty crazy.   Just this week I had the lovely opportunity to play against 3 knights with KDK.  After eliminating my D bloodthirster he began systematically destroying my army with little repercussion. Removing these monsters removes the need for D weapons/Stomp and let's face it having an Avatar or bloodthirster die to a Knight from a stomp makes as much sense as Elmer's Glue being a milk substitute.

3)  Units should be able to disembark and assault out of vehicles if they did not move.  Even if they could only deploy 2" out of the vehicle and charge after it would be better than the imagery of squad of marines trying to stumble out of a rhino like a bunch of children trying to get out of a ball pit.

Honorable mention rules:  To gain an objective you should have to hold for a full game turn.  Assault from outflank and reserves.  Slam on monstrous creatures should half the number of attacks of the MC not reduce attacks of the model to one.

We will be adding more pictures of the current models we are working on next week so stay tuned!

Have a great July 4th and keep making those Bad Decisions.

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